Coop Culture

People, innovation and territorial networks

Let's start from us

Welcome to our corporate section: a new concept and content revisited to better describe people and their skills, our presence in the territories and the ability to build networks, innovative solutions for empowerment able to interpret the emerging needs of different audience.

Discover coopculture corporate


innovative fruition solutions

As well as simply referring to its basic functionality, "usability" means getting the most out of a space, service or place. Consequently our solutions are people-focused and, with a view to providing universal accessibility, we use the most suitable channels for our various audiences to enhance the overall experience.

See the solutions


digital platforms

Our platforms are veritable digital ecosystems, focused not only on the user but also on relations with people, places and regions. We use technology able to facilitate co-design processes between operators and to build loyalty among users.

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Sales systems

We work hand in hand with our users to design tailored experiences, combining innovative services and technologies to sell tickets, products and personalised packages. Our systems are based on user requirements to ensure accessibility, usability and security.

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space design

We develop specialised spaces to create places where different people can meet and exchange ideas, experiences and discoveries. The spaces are open to local communities, connecting different sites and recreating identities.

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Case History


The APP aimed at the safeguarding and fruition of Rome cultural heritage.

App Culture

The application that guarantees safety in the visit experience. A new way to enjoy the heritage in autonomy and full compliance with the hygiene and health regulations adopted to counter the spread of Covid-19.

Live Culture

The educational platform created by CoopCulture in 2020 to cope with the closure of places of culture imposed by the Covid-19 epidemic.

Caracalla IV Dimension

With the Caracalla Fourth Dimension project, promoted in collaboration with the Special Superintendency of Rome, the Baths of Caracalla have become the first Italian archaeological site to be entirely accessible in 3D.


Audio Culture is a mobile App developed by CoopCulture. Freely downloadable, the App collects the official audioguides of some of the most important Italian museums, monuments and archeaological areas.

Digital kit for heritage

Conceived by CoopCulture in 2020, “Digital museum” is a concrete response to the needs of digital transformation of places of culture.


Developed by CoopCulture for the Appia Antica Archaeological Park, ItinerAppia aims to enhance and restore the vast heritage around Appia Antica.


MRT is the Turin Royal Museums’ official App. Developed by CoopCulture during 2020 spring, it guides visitors before, during and after their visit.

Sfida al Barocco

On the occasion of the exhibition "Sfida al Barocco. Roma Torino Parigi 1680 -1750", set up in the grand spaces of the Citroniera Juvarriana of the Reggia di Venaria from 30 May to 20 September 2020, CoopCulture developed a mobile app easy to use and rich of quality content.

Culture at Home

Culture at Home is the digital project created to respond immediately to the emergency experienced by the places of Italian culture due to COVID-19.

Camera Critica

Camera critica was an interactive digital signage project realized in 2013 at the MADRE Musem in Naples. The aim of the project was to connect social community and the museum thanks to a sustainable and recreational use of technology.

Critic Globus

A technological interactive space, a creative and participative approach to cultural heritage focused on Earth as source of life. A project that in 2015 completed the “Terrantica. Volti, miti e immagini della terra nel Mondo Antico” exhibition at Coliseum, Rome. All that and much more is Critic Globus.

Techne | Tourism Experience Cultural Heritage Network Enterprises

Techne project (July 2019- January 2021), financed by Direzione Regionale per lo sviluppo economico, le attività produttive e il Lazio creativo, aims to prototype an innovative tourist flux management/control model.

Best practice

Appia cultural tourism supply chain project

As the parent of a temporary JV cooperative, CoopCulture has conducted a feasibility study regarding the creation of an extensive cooperative tourism supply chain aimed at contributing to the sustainable promotion of Italian regions and increasing cultural engagement.

Regional Prison Library System | SBCR

Since 2012, thanks to the cooperation with Ancona, Ascoli, Fermo, Fossombrone, Pesaro and Camerino correctional institutes and many public and private stakeholders, CoopCulture is actively involved in the management of SBCR | Sistema Bibliotecario Carcerario Regionale delle Marche.

Palazzo Merulana

The restoration of Palazzo Merulana, strongly desired by Elena and Claudio Cerasi Foundation, was not only a simple upgrading of the exhibition spaces. It gave life to a new meeting and cultural production hub for the Esquilino and the city of Rome.


CROSSDEV is a 3-years project co-funded by the European Union through the ENI CBC MED Programme. The project’s objective is contributing to the economic and social development in Mediterranean, strengthening and enhancing sustainable tourism practices, emphasizing common heritages and resources.


The INCAmmino project - Economic development of rural communities in the area of ​​influence of the Inca Way (Qhapaq Ñan, Bolivia) aims at the enhancement and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and the application of new technologies in the community tourism sector.

La cultura dell'accoglienza. L'accoglienza della cultura.

A project promoted by CoopCulture for the Polo Culturale di Agrigento. An initiative that has strengthened the sense of belonging and participation in heritage in the adolescent publics involved through meaningful cultural experiences and shared reflection paths.

The spectacle of dawn in the Valley of the Temples

Theatrical visits to the Valley of the Temples: the format, conceived by CoopCulture, which combines performing arts, archeology and cultural heritage in an unprecedented experience of after-hours use.

“Uomo di Altamura” Regional Network

The network was founded on the initiative of a temporary joint venture (JV) between CoopCulture, Iris cooperativa Sociale and CARS, which was awarded the tender for the management of the “Uomo di Altamura” network of museums.


We are a network: our experience and work create a web made up of our members, collaborators, users, partners and stakeholders, indispensable elements to a cooperative approach that revolves around people, professionalism, ideas and sustainable projects.

Numbers and impact

The figures of our cooperative have been certified and reported transparently. The focus on the impact of our projects, activities and services is an integral part of our identity as a cooperative. Relevance, reliability and transparency are the essential values that underpin our work. We understand that only by measuring performance can we improve.

The following data refers to 2019, before the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic.


18 million visitors


1,050 shareholders throughout Italy


1,987 employees, 71% women


3.4 million bookings


500,000 user visits


330 programmes,163.000 students


12 million website hits


€ 76 million turnover in 2019


19,000 educational workshops delivered


740,000 audioguide and videoguide users


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