Culture at Home

Digital Experiences for Everyone


Culture at Home Digital Experiences for Everyone

Culture at Home is the digital project created to respond immediately to the emergency experienced by the places of Italian culture due to COVID-19.

The Culture at Home platform, created in March 2020, made it possible to share ideas, information and experiences suitable for all users to make up for the physical lack of places of culture.

Culture at Home offers four sections - Officina Culture, Edu Culture, Racconti Culture and Culture Stories - and different contents created to educate, entertain and accompany in a particularly difficult period.

Officina Culture

A space where you can listen, experiment and build entirely dedicated to children and to all those who wish to test themselves with fun and educational creations.

Our workshop includes:

Edu Culture

A collection of educational notebooks, videos and other fun and engaging learning opportunities for students of all ages.

Tales Culture

In this section of the site, thanks to the collaboration with museums, the CoopCulture audio guides have been made available for free. All digital visitors were able to access AudioCulture's in-depth content and visit numerous Italian exhibitions and museums.

Among the available audio guides:

  • Musei civici di Pavia
  • Certosa di San Giacomo
  • Rocca Maggiore di Assisi
  • Villa Jovis
  • Canova e l'antico
  • Konrad Magi, la luce del Nord
  • I mondi di Riccardo Gualino
  • Caravaggio Napoli

Culture Stories

Every day CoopCulture shared on its digital web and social channels a postcard from cultural sites all over Italy to share beauty, bits of history and curiosities.

Request information

Information on the processing of personal data (art.13 European Regulation 2016/679)

The data controller of the data collected on the page is Società Cooperativa Culture, Corso del Popolo 40 - 30172 Venezia Mestre (VE). The processing of the data provided (name, e-mail address, etc.) will be aimed at providing the newsletter service regarding CoopCulture initiatives, projects and activities.

The data will not be communicated and / or disclosed to third parties. The provision of data is optional but necessary for providing the newsletter service. Data retention will be carried out by the owner until the service is revoked by the interested party or until the service is terminated. The interested party has the right to access the data, to correct them, delete them and limit their processing for legitimate reasons. For the exercise of these rights, the interested party may contact the following reference: [email protected]



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Information on the processing of personal data (art.13 European Regulation 2016/679)

The data controller of the data collected on the page is Società Cooperativa Culture, Corso del Popolo 40 - 30172 Venezia Mestre (VE). The processing of the data provided (name, e-mail address, etc.) will be aimed at providing the newsletter service regarding CoopCulture initiatives, projects and activities.

The data will not be communicated and / or disclosed to third parties. The provision of data is optional but necessary for providing the newsletter service. Data retention will be carried out by the owner until the service is revoked by the interested party or until the service is terminated. The interested party has the right to access the data, to correct them, delete them and limit their processing for legitimate reasons. For the exercise of these rights, the interested party may contact the following reference: [email protected]


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