Crossdev Cultural Routes for Sustainable Social and economic Development in Mediterranean
Specifically, it expects to increase touristic competitiveness & attractiveness of less known destinations, rural/depressed areas, adopting/enhancing the Cultural Routes concept/experiences in selected areas of 4 countries:
Italy: Sicily, communities in the areas along the Via Selinuntina, neighbourhoods of Sambuca di Sicilia and Menfi (Province of Agrigento)
Jordan: communities around less known historical and cultural sites in Aqaba area (Southern Jordan) and archaeological site of Umm Qais (Northern Jordan)
Lebanon: villages in the area of Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve, Mount Lebanon
Palestine: communities along the Masar Ibrahim (Abraham Path), Northern and Southern West Bank
Expected changes
Developing positive attitudes/practices in sustainable tourism enhancing the involvement and commitment of public authorities, actors of tourism-related sectors, educational institutions, civil society organizations, youth and the general public.
Expected results
- Increased attractiveness of less known touristic destinations;
- Increased diversification of tourism offering through the promotion of local and territorial assets/drivers in off season periods
Total budget: € 2,507,656
European Union contribution: € 2,256,890 (89,9% of the project’s total budget)
Lead beneficiary
CISP Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli, Rome - Italy
- Italy: Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (MIBACT)
- Italy: CoopCulture
- Jordan: The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS)
- Jordan: Jordan University of Science and Technology - JUST University
- Lebanon: The Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa (APJM)
- Palestine: Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil (MIAK)
- Ministry of Tourism, Palestine
- Ministry of Tourism, Lebanon
- Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA), Jordan
- Organizzazione Internazionale Turismo Sociale (OITS), Brussels
- Regione Sicilia, Assessorato Beni Culturali/Soprintendenza del Mare, Italy
- Institute of Hotel Management &Tourism/Bethlehem University, Palestine
- The Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST) - University of Bologna, Italy
Official website
Paola Autore, Project Manager CROSSDEV
Via Sommacampagna, 9 – 00185 Rome
Phone: +39 06 39080762
E-mail: [email protected]