Advanced Multimedia and Observation services for the Rome cultural heritage


AMOR Advanced Multimedia and Observation services for the Rome cultural heritage

The APP aimed at the safeguarding and fruition of Rome cultural heritage.

AMOR is an application developed by CoopCulture as part of the project AMOR - Advanced Multimedia and Observation services for the Rome cultural heritage aimed at the safeguarding and fruition of Rome cultural heritage. The project is centered on the suggestive archaeological complex of the Baths of Caracalla and on a southern section of the mighty Aurelian Walls (from Porta San Sebastiano to Porta Latina).

The APP allows the download and purchase of tour itineraries and multimedia audio guides with Mixed Reality contents (AR and VR), produced with the scientific supervision of the various reference institutions.

It is a versatile product, designed to accompany tourists in the discovery of the rich cultural heritage of the city of Rome through maps, image galleries and multimedia content.

Downloading the app for free (App Store and Play Store) it's possible to access the list of itineraries and audio guides available, some free of charge and others requiring payment. After selecting the product, a general information screen with a trial audio will appear. If it is to your liking, you can purchase it.

The AMOR- Advanced Multimedia and Observation services for the Rome cultural heritage project, is co funded by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) and coordinated by ESA Space Solutions and Italian Ministry of Culture (MiC). The project activities are coordinated by NAIS S.r.l. leader of a group consisting of ICR, CNR-IREA, CoopCulture, NITEL, ESRI Italia.


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