Critic Globus

Instruments of empowerment


Critic Globus
Instruments of empowerment

A technological interactive space, a creative and participative approach to cultural heritage focused on Earth as source of life. A project that in 2015 completed the “Terrantica. Volti, miti e immagini della terra nel Mondo Antico” exhibition at Coliseum, Rome. All that and much more is Critic Globus.

Critic Globus was an interactive installation open to all. Its aim was to help visitors socializing exhibition-related feelings with a direct testimony on the topic.

What was Critic Globus?

From a physical point of view, Critic Globus was a simple cabin, a made of natural materials as wood and earth, where visitor was invited to enter by an informative panel on the threshold. Once inside, through an interactive touch screen display, three questions were asked:

  • what does Earth mean to you?
  • How do you imagine Earth future?
  • Record a lullaby,a poetry or a from your Earth

Visitors engagement

Video-answers recorded in Critic Globus – more than 5000 tracks in a continuous flux of imagines, opinions, thoughts, poetries and songs – were shared outside the cabin and on a dedicated YouTube channel.

A successful digital signage project created by CoopCulture, in collaboration with Interact and Electa, that reinforced social interaction and visitors empowerment.

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