
Discovering Incammino Project

During "INCAmmino: tourism that focuses on the local community", a webinar organized by 'Aitr, we talked about our experience as a partner in the project for the economic development of rural communities in the area of ​​influence of the INCA Way (Qhapaq Ñan, Bolivia).

A project that combines the enhancement and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage with the application of new technologies in the community tourism sector.

The moments of encounter with the communities were crucial; Paola Autore, head of international projects, recalls: "In the focus groups we decided the most important things to tell, not only for the local communities but also for foreign travelers. Everything will flow into the CoopCulture digital platform which will be a showcase for territorial promotion. The communities themselves will independently promote the cultural offer. Because for us the most important thing is that cooperation makes the territories and communities in which it operates free and autonomous ".


In addition to CoopCulture, the Aitr meeting was attended by Icei with its president Alfredo Somoza and Luciano Lucchesi, coordinator of the Incammino project; Isto with Isabel Novoa, president of the association and Diego Policarpi and Francesco Panichini of Progetto Mondo Mlal respectively project manager and consultant for the implementation of the strategic plan.


The video  of the meeting is still available on Aitr Fb page.

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