Torre Spagnola of San Giovanni in Sinis
In the Torre Spagnola of San Giovanni in Sinis we provide the following visitor services.
In the Torre Spagnola of San Giovanni in Sinis we provide the following visitor services.
Where: SP6, Cabras (OR)
Transportation:By car: from SS 131 (exit ORISTANO NORD) follow the directions to Cabras and San Giovanni di Sinis-Tharros.
Parking facilities are available in San Giovanni di Sinis.
By bus : In July and August buses from Oristano stop at Cabras.
Telephone: +39 0783 370019
can be visited upon request/booking on the opening days of the Tharros archaeological area, when light and weather conditions allow safe accessibility to the monument and good internal visibility
9.30 -13.00 |15.00 -18.30
9.30 -13.00 | 15.00 -18.30
Monday, December 25th, January 1st
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